My previous blog, last year, put out my questions and frustrations about putting my own children in dance. David and I made the decision to put Rachel and Katie into a Jazz/Ballet dance class this last year.
The dance teachers were excellent. They chose wonderful music, and when ordering costumes, let me preview the costumes before I purchased them. We needed to adjust Rachel's costume, but it also turned out good and modest.
Rachel and Katie loved it. I was impressed how graceful and on time Rachel was with each of her songs and dance moves. The teachers commented on how talented Katie is in dancing. I watched her practices whenever I could, and I could tell a difference in Katie. She is very good.
I am not a dance mom. There are quite a few performances and competitions where the girls had to have their hair done a certain way, and I had to put makeup on my children. Of course I enjoyed watching them dance, and it was good practice being up in front of people without being afraid. But, after each performance, David and I agreed that if we can persuade them in another direction, we will.
Here is the reason. Throughout the year, the young classes are often mixed with the drill team and other dance groups. I felt sorry for these girls. The other dance groups had children dancing in the outfits I was worried about, with music I did not condone, and moving their bodies in a way that made me sick.
My girls love to dance, and the instruction they were given was really wonderful, and as long as they are with this dance group, I trust their teaching and morals. But where will it lead? The only opportunities I see for future dancers is in the high school drill teams, and I don't want my children dancing like that.
Here are some cute pictures of the dancers and dance teams I was so proud of.
Rachel's Dance Class