Friday, February 19, 2010

The Missing Marker

Yesterday, Katie came up to me and said that she had lost her red marker, and that the lid was also missing. I told her we should make sure to look for it so that Nathan didn't find it.

Lo and behold, today Rachel starts screaming and yelling for me to come look at Nathan. It took me a while to realize it wasn't blood, and that he had found our missing red marker. He did a pretty good job painting the parts that usually get bloody when a child gets hurt. Freaked me out, but he gave a great smile for the camera!


Dave and Mel said...

That totally looks like blood!!!

The Holmgrens said...

Shayla, you are so cute, and so is your family! What beautiful girls you have. I just read like 6 of your posts or something, so I now feel like we are best friends:) The marker does look like blood. It's funny.