Sunday, July 26, 2009


This is a first for our family. We have gone camping with others, but never just us. So, we braved it this week and it actually turned out to be a lot of fun.

He didn't sleep there...I got cold at about 6:00 in the morning and brought him in with me until I warmed up...and he just looked so cute.

Rachel being very cute.

I know they look thrilled, but we really did have a fun time roasting hot dogs and marshmallows!

This is who I spent most of my time with. I love that boy!

Rachel walked in a little too far, slipped on a rock, and was not happy about getting her shorts wet.

Katie was getting rocks, and David threw a rock right in front of her. She got splashed pretty good, but thought it was great!

David, so handsome.

David and Sarah throwing rocks.

The girls taking off their excited to get in the water!

Our scenery.

We tried to get a picture of how dirty Sarah got, but we just never quite captured the filth that was layered on our cute little Sarah.

Sarah, very tired of packing up, she got cozy on the picnic table.

I needed proof that we actually went camping. I love my family!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The House

Some of my family wanted to see pictures of the house, and I have finally got some of the rooms done, so I will now flaunt our beautiful home...the outside needs work, so that will have to come later.

These first two pictures are of the kitchen. Thanks to Bonnie and Melanie, it turned out really cute. You two are brilliant...and have really great taste. Yellow came with the house...I'll repaint someday, but I don't have the energy for it now. And as Mel said, "It adds character." I guess!

Okay, I needed to show Mel and Mom the valances. They turned out really cute. If I were to do it again, I would have chosen a dark green instead of the off white for the second color. Reversible valances. They will make it into every room in the house probably...but for now, my room is the only one done. Thanks for the idea Mel! Thanks for the help Mom!

The piano room...the front needs furniture on the walls opposite the piano, but for right least its clean:)

The family room downstairs. I love it. It is big enough for the girls to wrestle their dad, and for the girls to dance. There is another couch that the camera didn't get, but you can kind of get the idea!
This room is my school time/library. I don't home school, but I wanted to have a room to study in. I also needed a room to do some preschool with still needs decorating. I've got pictures of all my grandparents, parents, and extended family that have graduated from college, and I'll get them all up on the wall.

Here is our baby boy! I couldn't help posting some pictures of him...he is getting so darn cute. Look at those cheeks...look at those arms! Irresistible.