This is a first for our family. We have gone camping with others, but never just us. So, we braved it this week and it actually turned out to be a lot of fun.

He didn't sleep there...I got cold at about 6:00 in the morning and brought him in with me until I warmed up...and he just looked so cute.

Rachel being very cute.
I know they look thrilled, but we really did have a fun time roasting hot dogs and marshmallows!
This is who I spent most of my time with. I love that boy!
Rachel walked in a little too far, slipped on a rock, and was not happy about getting her shorts wet.
Katie was getting rocks, and David threw a rock right in front of her. She got splashed pretty good, but thought it was great!
David, so handsome.

David and Sarah throwing rocks.
The girls taking off their excited to get in the water!
Our scenery.

We tried to get a picture of how dirty Sarah got, but we just never quite captured the filth that was layered on our cute little Sarah.

Sarah, very tired of packing up, she got cozy on the picnic table.

I needed proof that we actually went camping. I love my family!
Shayla you look great! Congrats on your first camping trip! We haven't ever gone alone and haven't gone at all since Hudson has been born so we need to brave it sometime. Looks like so much fun, I'm sure your kids had a blast!
Where was the camping site Shayla? It looks very pretty. Tell David I have a shirt EXACTLY like his!
we are going to give it a try this week!
its really been too long!
Looks like you guys had a great time! Your house looks nice too!
Take care,
Wow you guys are brave, but it looks like you had fun! I love your new house!!! Congrats, I know it has been a long time coming and you have had to be really patient, but what an awesome house to get into. Congrats again!
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