I have fallen behind, here are a few pictures of what the last few weeks has entailed:
Christmas was really great. We had such a fun time opening the gifts, and the girls were so excited.

After Christmas, we went to my parents home. We had a great time.
We had our Z family party...which is now at the church. With 13 grandchildren, under 7, it gets a little crazy...but all had fun. Carla is here with Sarah and Gabe who had just run themselves out of energy.
A game of speed. I just had to record, David's ball and my ball got caught together. How romantic, eh? We are so equally yoked. I would just like to point out that my ball did go in first, so he didn't get me out...that time.
I don't know if this is worth blogging. But I got the pineapple out from our Bountiful Basket, and ask David to cut it. He ask if he should cut it the hard way or the easy way. This is the hard way. He learned it in the Philippines, and I thought it was great!
We had my sisters family stop by on their way to Arizona. The girls miss their cousins, so it was nice to see their family.
Brooke and Katie