Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This was the blog I was all geared up to write about for Katie. But, to my frustration, tis not Katie I will write about. Nathan lost the tooth.

We had a great vacation this last week at Bear Lake and two minutes before we left my parent's house for our home, Nathan comes in with a fat lip and blood everywhere. It wasn't until our next stop at David's mom's house that I noticed the tooth was bent inward a little. That was Saturday, and we didn't make it home until 10:00 pm. Sunday, David and I tried to straighten it out, but it kept going back in his mouth. Monday, our dentist in town took a look and recommended a Pediatric Dentist in Cedar. We get there, and the tooth would have been fine, but there was infection above the tooth that would have hurt his permanent tooth, so out it came.

Nathan was a trooper. They didn't fully sedate him, but they put a little happy gas on his nose, and had a show going to distract him. Then, out came the pliers, and there goes his tooth for the next fourish years.

I foresee pirates and hobos as the next Halloween costumes. That part on Toy Story 2 where Woody knocks out his own tooth and says, "And still a good looking guy," has been going through my head. Although, it is not the perfect smile for our little boy, it does put a little more character in our ever-growing character. His little tongue is in the missing hole usually, but I got him to smile big for the camera.

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