Sarah loves soccer. She has the energy non-stop at home, and it pays off in soccer. She made a goal her first game, and has loved the little friends she has made on her team.
She is a very cute poser.
We had Grandpa and Grandma Z over for Labor Day weekend. Grandpa impressed all of us by standing on his head. I really don't think I could even stand on my head that long, it was very impressive. Its always fun when Grandpa comes!
Grandma Cox also came for the visit, and the kids made her a crown, a heart, and a scepter. Grandma was the greatest sport to wear it most of the visit. We love you Grandma!
We celebrated Grandma Z's birthday. We made her a yogurt pie, and the girls made her some place mats. She was very gracious, and we love it when she comes to visit. I don't know what I would do without her, she is amazing.
Carla also came for the visit. Honestly, everyone needs a sister like Carla. She is the sister you call for fun, to cry to, and to talk. I love her, and that doesn't even say half of it.

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