David and his girls on Easter.
Grandma, the expert sewer, with Katie and Rachel.
I made Easter dresses for the girls. Rachel and Katie picked out their material, then my mom and I put them together. Rachel knows my mom is way better at sewing than I am, so she made sure that grandma worked mostly on hers. Not very flattering for me. But by the time we got those two done, I felt like I could venture on my own. So, Sarah's dress is my doing. Be impressed, I only unpicked twice.
I am VERY impressed. Sewing is not something I have the patience to do so I'm always impressed with people who do have the patience!
I'm impressed too! I tried to make some aprons for Christmas and ended up having my sister come over and fix them for me! Maybe I'll give it another try when I have a little girl to sew for... we'll see!
Oh Shayla, I am always impressed by you. You girls (and the dresses) look great!
Cute dresses! You did a great job. And the girls look mighty cute wearing them.
Shayla - they look beautiful. You are truly incredible!
Little sarsaparilla!!! Shayla you are tubular and bodatious.
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