Thursday, January 1, 2009

Talent Show

Our most successful Family Home Evenings are when the girls get to where a hat. The Friend this month had a crown guide, so we made crowns for everyone and then it also suggested a talent night. We had a lot of fun. Sarah sang, Rachel sang, Katie did a song and dance, I told a story, and David did the Roger Rabbit. We decided to make it a part of our regular FHE night and have someone assigned to share a talent!


The Butler Gang said...

Very creative, cute, and fun! What better way to have FHE! Oh and I finally found you. How's it go'in. Looks like your family has alot of fun all the time and that you make a great mom! Oh and your girls are cute too - can't forget that one. If you want you can follow my family at Keep in touch.

Cynthia said...

Oh Shayla - your family is incredible. I'm trying to picture my family having a talent show. Yahhhh, I can't really see it, but I think I'd like to go to one of yours!

Sarah said...

What a super cute idea! We are totally doing talent FHE on Monday. I love it.