August was crazy. We went to the Idaho Falls Open House at the end of July, and I haven't had time to put it on yet.
The temple was beautiful. The girls thought it was so exciting that they could go inside the temple. My sister lives in Burley, so we spent the night and went to the open house early the next morning in Idaho Falls. The girls thought the rooms were so beautiful. The only problem was when Sarah saw the baptismal font, she made a bee line for the entrance...but we quickly moved on and narrowly escaped a scene.
The other pictures are the sights in Idaho Falls. There was a beautiful bridge to go across and it had an overlook. It was really beautiful, and it was a great time for our family.
I bet the open house was beautiful! The pictures are so pretty! I really like the picture of Rachel on her first day of school...We really have so much to look forward to...and I can't believe Nathan is almost six months!!
Could a family be cuter? Only if there were MORE of you!!! Get to work on that Shayla....can't you grow that baby faster? Maybe if you eat more....you will have your baby faster....that could be a fun theory to test...especially if you have a sister willing to pork out with you...snort.
Shayla! It's you!! Remember me...way back from those crazy Exec days down in the institute basement. And now you have THREE girls? They are adorable! It's so good to see you! I LOVE blogs! If you're interested, I'm at http://christiansencrew.blogspot.com/
There are pictures, in case you've totally forgotten who I am :) since it's KINDA BEEN FOREVER!!!
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