I'm not very crafty...very often. But Melanie was over for three days and talked me into making these hair bows for the girls. They turned out really cute and even Sarah will wear them, which is saying a lot because I can barely get her hair out of her face for a ponytail, let alone a hair bow. But she was so excited, she let me take a picture...that is a "cheese" she is saying for the picture.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Warrior of Truth...and Crafts
I'm not very crafty...very often. But Melanie was over for three days and talked me into making these hair bows for the girls. They turned out really cute and even Sarah will wear them, which is saying a lot because I can barely get her hair out of her face for a ponytail, let alone a hair bow. But she was so excited, she let me take a picture...that is a "cheese" she is saying for the picture.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Happy Birthday David!
David turns 33 tomorrow. We were going to wait until his birthday to celebrate, but I made the mistake of having the girls wrap his presents a day early, and they couldn't wait. So we went out for pizza and then the girls got out the presents.
I am so grateful for David. He is a wonderful Dad for our girls. They attack him everyday he gets home from work with hugs and kisses. When David is laying on the floor, the girls think its play time and start jumping on him. He is so patient with them, and always asks how they are doing or if they need anything. He is also a wonderful husband. He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me laugh. He helps with the house and kids and does it with a smile...even if the smile is tired. I just love him. Happy Birthday!
Friday, November 7, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
Yesterday morning, Rachel was brushing her teeth before she left for school, and she comes running to me smiling, with her mouth full of blood. She was yelling "My tooth!", and I was thinking, what the heck is wrong? Then I saw the big gap in her lower row of teeth. She lost her first tooth!
We were so excited, she took the little tooth in a plastic bag to school for Show and Tell. I'm sure Kindergarten teachers love that...then we called David at the Seminary and Rachel told him her news. Katie got on the phone and said that she had not lost a tooth and sounded kind of disappointed. Anyway, the other middle tooth on the bottom is loose too, so there is more fun in store!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Canning - Grand Total
Since we came to live with my parents, there has been non-stop canning. It has usually been my Mom and I doing the canning...I take that back, mainly my Mom...I try to can and be a mother at the same time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Melanie came to help for a few days. Dad and David helped on the weekends.
Sunday night David and I talked about what we would like to bottle in the future while playing Legos with our girls. David then put together the ultimate Summer Kitchen with his stack of Legos. Its brilliant...I love that man.
This is our grand total this year.
We came here on August 15 - and we are done canning November 5.
24 qts Pickles
50 qts Green Beans
50 qts Green Beans
75 qts Tomato Juice
50 qts Whole Tomatoes
75 qts Spaghetti Sauce
314 qts Applesauce (that is exactly the amount, not a typo)
50 qts Peaches
48 qts Apricot juice
42 qts Apple Pie Filling
35 pnts Salsa
25 pnts Jams
That is a total of 788 bottles.
We have our last batch of bottles processing right now. Then Mom and I are going to take a nap.
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